Saturday, March 15, 2008

Busy Weekend

Emily has been feeling better energy wise, which is a good thing considering our busy weekend. Friday night we went out for dinner and then saw the Beaverton High School production of "Once Upon A Mattress" one of Emily's students played the lead (Princess Winifred) and is extremely talented. It was a good show and we really enjoyed it. Afterward we went to the local Dairy Queen and got to use the 2 for 1 coupon Emily has been saving for months.

Today Emily had a Student Wives Fellowship event from 8:30 until about 1pm and then tonight we are going to a joint birthday party for two of our friends that are classmates of mine at Multnomah. Tomorrow Emily teaches Sunday School and I'm helping lead a meeting for all of our welcome ministry personelle before church. After church there is a potluck and meeting for all of the Young Adults which we are attending and then in the evening we have Life Group.

It's all fun stuff but makes life a little crazy. Emily's napping right now (good idea) and we'll both need to rest up and get some work done in the coming week so we'll have energy and freedom to enjoy our Spring Break in New York.

To our prayer warriors out there thanks for praying for Emily. She has been doing better. Please pray for her dental health. Her gums have been receding (which is normal) and now have reached the point where food or water can get between the gum and tooth in a few places. She'll try to get in with a dentist before we leave for New York.

1 comment:

big hair betty said...

Hi Matt and Emily,
I'm glad you're feeling better! I always have teeth problems when I'm pregnant! I actually have a dentist appt. tomorrow and I'm afraid I'm going to have some cavities. Ugh! I "tagged" you, in case you want to play this little blog game thing. Just check out my blog to figure out what to do. I hope your spring break is awesome!!