Thursday, February 28, 2008

Job Search Update

Most of you know that Matthew is in the process of looking for a ministry job for after he graduates in May. Many of you have been praying for this search and some have been asking how the process is going so I thought I'd give you an update.

Over winter break I worked on preparing my resume and gathering resources for the job search process. I also completed the lengthy application for accreditation with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), the denomination I grew up in. I also decided to focus his search (at least initially) on Associate Pastor positions working with Adults in teaching and discipling type ministry (jobs that weren't primarily Youth, Administrative or Worship Pastor duties). This narrows the focus considerably but it is where I think I can be most effective in ministry.

At the beginning of February I began to circulate his resume, sending it to just about everyone I knew who might know someone who might know about a job opening that might be right for me. I also began checking for job openings that might fit him on Ministry job search sites. To date I’ve submitted more than 30 resumes for Associate Pastor positions that looked like they might be a good fit at churches all over the country (from NY to FL to AZ to WA). For the most part these churches are still in the process of reviewing resumes and deciding which individuals to give consideration to so I’m in waiting mode for those.

A few churches have responded either indicating they are considering other applicants while a couple others have sent more detailed information and requested applications to be returned or suggested we set up a time to speak on the phone. This has been encouraging but still leaves us a very long way from finding the right position so even as I prepare to begin a few conversations I am continuing to review websites for new openings, consider potential referrals from people I know and wait on churches who are still considering my resume. I’m also waiting for the C&MA to finish reviewing my application and schedule an accreditation interview which might open up some additional opportunities.

The process of settling on the right ministry position is lengthy and complex. After considering resumes a church will generally want more detailed information from a candidate either by filling out an application or speaking on the phone. Additionally I need to find out more about the church and the position to decide if I want to continue to pursue that job. If things move along from there the next step would usually be for Emily and I to visit a church to get a better feel for it and talk to the leaders in charge of making the decision. Again we would be interviewing them even as they interviewed us to make sure both sides felt it was a good fit. Often a second or even third visit would be desired before a church would officially decide to “call” me and we would be able to confidently accept. At this point, depending on the church, there could be additional steps required before I could officially be hired, such as a congregational vote or denominational approval.

As you can imagine even if one of the churches I’ve already contacted turns out to be the right fit it is likely that we won’t know for sure for a number of months. This means that we’re not optimistic about knowing for sure where we’ll be heading long term when we have to move in June. That’s OK because assuming things are still up in the air we’re planning to move to the Sacramento area for the interim while I continue to search and follow up with the process and perhaps work some. This would allow us to be close to family when our baby is born and get in good visits with the people we’re closest to before we potentially move far away.

So that is where things stand. We appreciate your continued prayers and any other leads you might hear about. The more contacts we make the more conversations we can potentially start the better chance we have of finding a really good fit in reasonable amount of time. Thank you all. We love you!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Big News!!!

Well it is time to officially let the world know.

We're going to have a baby!!!

This is from the ultrasound we had on Monday. It confirmed that Emily is about 9 weeks along and that everything is looking good in terms of baby's health. Our official due date is September 25th, 2008. Baby's heart rate was a healthy 171 BPM.

So far Emily's symptoms have been very manageable. She has definitely felt a variety of symptoms (nauseau, fatigue, etc.) but so far she has been able to keep everything down and hasn't had to miss any work. We would appreciate your prayers for her and also for the health of the baby. We can't wait to meet him or her and introduce him/her to all of you!

In case the ultrasound picture just looks like a blob to you (and lets face it unless you already know what you're looking at it is just a blob) here is a more discernable image of what our baby looks like at this stage of development.

9 Weeks Pregnant

Thanks for sharing in our big news and for all your prayers and well wishes. As we have more details to share we will keep you all posted through this blog.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"KJV Only" Preacher on the theology of pee

OK, so Emily can't get blamed for this one, it's all Matthew. When I saw this I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or get mad so I posted it here.

The guy is right about the phrase appearing 6 times (although the numerology he refers to is bogus) and that it is only translated lliterally in the KJV. It is translated males elsewhere. If he were willing to look at the original Biblical languages he'd actually see that the KJV is doing a pretty fair literal translation as well, word for word that is what the Hebrew says but where he goes from there is absolutely crazy.

All 6 times the phrase is used (1 Sam 25:22, 1 Sam 25:34, 1Ki 14:10, 1Ki 16:11, 1Ki 21:21, and 2Ki 9:8) it is part of a promise to wipe out all the males of a certain family. It is clearly a deragatory phrase referring to men and it is not a statement about manhood to be emulated, so "males" isn't an inappropriate translation but you could argue it is less literal.

This guy obviously hasn't bothered to think about the point of any of these passages and just likes to pull Biblical phrases out to support his rants on personal issues. This is a very extreme example of the kind of twisted "pull and prove" use of isolated Bible verses that lead Christians astray and give Christianity and the Bible a bad name.

Incidently, the reason some people (in Europe or wherever they might be) discourage peeing standing up isn't to emasculate men it's because they no men don't always have perfect aim. Worse yet some men don't bother to clean up after themselves if they do "miss the mark" so sitting is encouraged. Maybe this preahcer never "misses the mark" but it is interesting to note that if his KJV wanted to stay hyper-literal the Greek word it translates as "sin" in the New Testament could be literally translated as "miss the mark" so that Romans 3:23 could read literally as "all have missed the mark and come short of the glory of God". Hmm...maybe he should reconsider his refusal to sit down.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Matthew is Published (sort of)

One of my professors, Dr. Paul Metzger, has set up Blog to interact with issues related to his new book Consuming Jesus: Beyond Race and Class Divisions in a Consumer Church .

To get the ball rolling he selected a few student papers to be published on the blog. Mine paper titled, Church Discipline in a Consumer Culture: A Call for Compelling Community was selected. In the essay I discuss how the tendancy of the evangelical culture to treat church goers as consumers has undercut the Bible's model for corrective church discipline and suggest stronger community within church congregations as the best remedy. If you're interested in reading it or just curious about the Blog or Dr. Metzger's book go ahead and click over to: my paper is in the "essays" section.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Laptop

On Monday we received our new Dell Laptop computer. The HP laptop I have been using was given to me by my Dad about four years ago when it was time for him to upgrade. It has been servicible with a replaced hard drive and new battery getting us another year out of it but it has been freezing inexplicablly from time to time and it's power cord is so worn that it only charges the computer if you arrange it just right. We have desktop also but it was purchased before Emily started college and has 25% of the RAM reccomended for running Windows 95. So we decided it was time to get a new computer.

Our new Dell Laptop (left) doesn't look all that different (except for the duct tape on the power cord) from our old HP (right) but it functions on an entirely different level.

Emily played with it some on Monday night and yesterday I was able to get it set up to access the Multnomah internet network. It's very nice and we expect to be very happy with it. Thanks to Mom & Dad Hallsten who let us use their consumer report info. and my brother Dane who helped us determine what features to order. We feel like we got a good deal. It will be nice for me to be able to sit through a class without worrying about having my power cord nudged and my computer dying or having it randomly freeze in the middle of a lecture.

If anyone knows someone who is desperate for a free laptop that functions but has plenty of issues let us know. We'll be donating it (and probablly the desk top too) somewhere in the next 5 months.