Sunday, July 20, 2008

In transition...

Hey all,

So we've been in Roseville for over three weeks now, and as Matthew has recently started a temp job that's full time, it is now up to me to keep you up to date. I have failed! Sorry...

This past week and most of this coming week we're housesitting for Matthew's great-aunt who lives in Sun City Roseville. She has not been able to travel much recently for various reasons, so she's excited to get away to see friends. And we are quasi-homeless, so it's been kinda nice to "have our own place" for awhile. Matthew's aunt has 6 cats, so we're caring for Tommy (the people-friendly fat one), Puss (the oldest and the biggest wuss), Norman (the punk) and Ethel (the one who loves ice water), and Bonnie (who stays in her closet) and Clyde (the playful one). Matthew's aunt used to foster litters of kittens when they needed to be bottle-fed, so when not all the cats of the litter were adopted out, she ended up with the others. So Norman and Ethel are from the same litter, as are Bonnie and Clyde. As you may be able to tell, I'm enjoying having pets, even though I wouldn't choose to have 6 of my own! It's really neat to see how all of them are cats and behave like cats, but each has his/her own unique personality too. God is cool that there is so much diversity among creatures that are so easily stereotyped! I guess that's true of humans, too.

So anyway, aside from life with cats, I put together a dresser/changing table that got delivered to Matthew's parents' house this past week. If you're ever looking, I recommend going straight to WalMart or Target, and if you like what's in stock, buy there. It's cheaper than anywhere else. But if you make the "mistake" of looking online at Target first, you might get into trouble and become perfectionistic like I did. Target won't order something they have in their catalog for you to be delivered to the store, and for furniture they charge $95 for shipping. Babies R Us is about the same, but has a bigger selection and slightly higher prices. So I went with JC Penney, because they had a pretty good selection and only charged $27.50 for shipping. The whole process ended up being way more dramatic than I had anticipated, but I'm excited to have a place to put our clothes now (our armoire is in storage), and baby Naomi's stuff when she arrives.

Matthew and I have also joined a gym, and so far I've been successful in going to water aerobics classes three times a week. I can tell they're going to make a difference in my overall strength and condition by the end of the pregnancy, and it's nice to be able to work out pretty hard without my entire abdomen getting sore and tired! I went for a walk with Matthew last night, and I had to walk crazy slow so as to maintain a certain level of comfort.

Aside from all that, I spend most of my time catching up on little projects I never got done while we were in Portland, doing little projects to help out Matthew's parents (like re-attaching handles that have fallen off of various drawers), watching DVR recordings of Law and Order, and reading/napping. It's a hard life. ;-)

This weekend in particular, Matthew and I went to Roseville Sugarbears champs to watch my siblings, Peter and Krista, swim as fast as they could. Yesterday was also Krista's 12th birthday, so we went out for dinner and then returned to my parents' to eat cake while Krista opened presents. She got lots of clothes, and was very excited about that!! She must be a pre-teen. Or maybe she's just a completely different creature from me... that's highly plausible! The two of us are hanging out for a few hours each Tuesday afternoon for bonding time. This week she's starting a game of Civilization, meeting the six kitties, and we might make some cookies. :-)

Well, I'm having issues getting to a "good" ending place, so I think I'll just stop blabbering instead. (Sorry no pics this time.) Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Lindsay Jordan said...

Great to read an update! It must be nice to have your own place for a week. I'm glad to hear that you are relaxing... and working out... it should definitely help come time for Naomi's delivery!