Friday, September 19, 2008

Answer to prayer

Thank you all for praying about the health insurance! We heard Tuesday that Blue Cross is going to let us go on their Portability Plan after all. The supervisor went back and listened to all my archived calls, and the portability guru agreed that we could be covered through the end of December by this plan - praise God! Basically, that means that instead of having to go on COBRA and spend $889/month, we're going to cover just me for $208/month (and then Naomi for a little more). Matthew will have a separate individual plan here for less than $100. So we'll all have good coverage, and we'll still be able to pay for gas/groceries without dipping (much) into savings.

I also had a doctor's appointment today - 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced. That's no guarantee of any time estimate for when labor will actually start, but it was encouraging enough that the doctor doesn't think I'll need to be induced, which is very good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let me just officially declare that insurance is LAME!!!!! I am so glad things worked out. God is good!