Sunday, February 22, 2009

Florida Pictures

Our vacation to Florida was pretty relaxed. We spent most of our time relaxing, visiting with family, sleeping in, eating great food, going for walks, etc. The only real touristy thing we did was go to the Kennedy Space Center on Saturday. It was a nice trip though. Here are some pictures.

Naomi traveled really well. If it hadn't been for our flight from Salt Lake City to Orlando getting canceled resulting in a 6+ hour delay we would've made it to our destination long before any serious fussiness set in.

Due to some thrush related diaper rash Naomi got lots of baths while in Florida. Fortunately she learned to really enjoy them and we were able to pretty much enjoy them as well.

One of the highlights of our visit was getting to see Emily's cousin Sarah and meet her family. Sarah and Emily are about the same age and were close growing up but hadn't seen each other in more than 8 years. Matthew had never met Sarah and neither of us had met her husband (Matt) or two daughters (Cameron & Natalie) prior to this visit. This is a picture of Emily and Naomi with Sarah and her youngest daughter, Natalie.

Our favorite part of the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) was the 3-D I-Max movie we saw about the international space station.

Naomi got a little sleep deprived for part of our time at the KSC but she had some really happy time as well. During one of her more cheerful moments though she decided that daddy's coffee was just what she needed for an afternoon pick me up. Are we already teaching our daughter to become caffeine dependant?

The shuttle launch scheduled for the end of February was still on delay so we got to see the shuttle with boosters all set up and ready to go on the launch pad.

We also saw all kinds of cool space hardware. Here Emily and Naomi pose in front of an actual engine used in multiple NASA launches.

This is the actual lunar module taken up on the Apollo 13 mission. Emily and I were both surprised by how flimsy it looked.
We are hopeful for a less stressful travel day tomorrow than what it took to get here. Next up is a trip to Willows (leaving Wednesday returning late Sunday of next week) after that we have a few days at home before taking off to Portland, OR the following Saturday. We'll post pictures from those adventures when we can.

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