Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More to come

Just wanted to let you all know that we are taking pictures and video of Naomi. Right now we only have dial up Internet access at the home we're staying at so we have to come to Starbucks or the local library to use the Internet for almost anything. We will be posting more pictures and video as we can.

We are doing well. We're busy getting settled in and trying to establish routines while getting to know people. Naomi is doing well. We're making her put herself back to sleep when she wakes up in the night. Some nights are better than others but things seem to be moving in the right direction. She's growing up fast. She just turned 6 months and is already eating large amounts of solid foods. She's sitting up unsupported for long stretches which has increased her ability to play by herself. Just yesterday she started imitating our head movements and she seems to be making new discoveries every day.

Thanks for all of your prayers. Keep us posted on what is going on with you.

1 comment:

Abdillas said...

So excited for you both for what God has for you in this pastorate! I love reading your updates and see new pics of Naomi Linda. Keep 'em coming. Hugs to you.