Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"KJV Only" Preacher on the theology of pee

OK, so Emily can't get blamed for this one, it's all Matthew. When I saw this I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or get mad so I posted it here.

The guy is right about the phrase appearing 6 times (although the numerology he refers to is bogus) and that it is only translated lliterally in the KJV. It is translated males elsewhere. If he were willing to look at the original Biblical languages he'd actually see that the KJV is doing a pretty fair literal translation as well, word for word that is what the Hebrew says but where he goes from there is absolutely crazy.

All 6 times the phrase is used (1 Sam 25:22, 1 Sam 25:34, 1Ki 14:10, 1Ki 16:11, 1Ki 21:21, and 2Ki 9:8) it is part of a promise to wipe out all the males of a certain family. It is clearly a deragatory phrase referring to men and it is not a statement about manhood to be emulated, so "males" isn't an inappropriate translation but you could argue it is less literal.

This guy obviously hasn't bothered to think about the point of any of these passages and just likes to pull Biblical phrases out to support his rants on personal issues. This is a very extreme example of the kind of twisted "pull and prove" use of isolated Bible verses that lead Christians astray and give Christianity and the Bible a bad name.

Incidently, the reason some people (in Europe or wherever they might be) discourage peeing standing up isn't to emasculate men it's because they no men don't always have perfect aim. Worse yet some men don't bother to clean up after themselves if they do "miss the mark" so sitting is encouraged. Maybe this preahcer never "misses the mark" but it is interesting to note that if his KJV wanted to stay hyper-literal the Greek word it translates as "sin" in the New Testament could be literally translated as "miss the mark" so that Romans 3:23 could read literally as "all have missed the mark and come short of the glory of God". Hmm...maybe he should reconsider his refusal to sit down.

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