Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Peninsula Baptist Update

We had a good time visiting Peninsula Baptist Church (PBC) this weekend. God gave us some beautiful weather and we were able to explore Long Beach and a fair bit of the greater peninsula on Saturday before enjoying an evening of good fellowship with the church's pastor and his wife, daughter and son-in-law. We stayed the night with them and attended church the next morning "under the radar" then went back to the pastor's home for a Father's Day BBQ and US Open viewing get together with several other couples from the church.

While we enjoyed our time and see a lot of potential and positives in this situation some of the traits of the community itself (demographics, culture, climate, isolation, distance from family, etc.) are dampening our enthusiasm about the prospects of raising a family in that area. We have advised PBC that at least for now we are not able to commit to coming there if they offer us a position. While we don't want to shut the door we have informed them that with our move and the baby coming we will not be able to continue to pursue the process at this time. We expect them to continue their search. If after a few months in California they are still interested in us we may try to make another visit and take a closer look but for now we will be continuing our search and we will be perfectly content (and happy for the wonderful people we met) if God raises up someone else to fill this position.


Mama to the Four Short People said...

I beg of you Matthew and Emily yo please fix your title and spell "Peninsula" correctly.


Matthew and Emily said...

Sorry Shandela, it's fixed now. Can't blame Emily for that one I was in a hurry when I posted. Just a typo transposing the last two letters.

Mama to the Four Short People said...

Thanks Matthew I can finally sleep now :o)