Saturday, June 7, 2008

Penninsula Baptist Church

Thursday Matthew made the 2 and half hour drive from our home in Portland out to Ocean Park, Washington for an interview with the search committee of Penninsula Baptist Church. PBC is an independant Baptist church. They run about 150 on a Sunday and currently only have 1 pastor. They are looking for an Associate to assist with general pastoral ministry (preaching, visitation, etc.) and to help develop lay leaders for and oversee ministry to families and youth.

Matthew has had several opportunities to dialogoue with the pastor, Kerry Stroupe, and they seem to have a good rapport. The church is located on the Long Beach Penninsula in Southwest Washington about 40 minutes north of Astoria, OR near HWY 101. The Penninsula is a beautiful area. It is a popular tuourist destination during the summer and has one of the world's largest beaches but it is fairly isolated area and gets about twice as much rain as Portland so there are definitely some cons to go with the pros.

So far the interaction has been positive. We are planning to go out together next weekend (June 14 & 15) to check out the area a little more and visit the church "incognito" to see what we think. This will also serve as a mini-vacation to celebrate the end of Emily's teaching year (June 13 is her last day with students). We would appreciate your continued prayers for God's clear guidance as we consider this possability.


Lindsay Jordan said...

Matthew -

I'm so glad to hear that the first visit must have gone pretty well. We'll pray for y'alls visit next weekend.

I know that they get a lot of rain up there...but it would be awfully nice to live at the beach!

Let's catch up soon.


Lindsay Jordan said...

What a fun way to celebrate the end of the school year! We'll be praying of you guys!


Annie said...

Hey Guys. I just caught up on your last few posts. So much has happened! Congrats to both of you on graduation!! I know you've both worked really hard these last few years. And what great news that your baby is a healthy little girl. And she already has a name! You've chosen two very beautiful names for her.

Best of luck with the job. The area looks amazing.

Now that I have internet access I'll be tuning in more frequently. Keep us all posted on everything!